I come from Alotau; in fact, my tribe owns Alotau and are leasing it out to the Govt. The guy who claims Alotau to be his is not the owner of the land but I am keeping my cool because I want Alotau to develop and my people to better themselves. However, I am disappointed at how companies that come into the Province arrive with good intentions but end up not helping the people at all.
The companies that come into the Province extract raw materials without proper plans on how the people will survive after they are gone. For example, the Misima gold mine has taken out at least 18.1 tonnes of gold leaving the people shocked of their new life style. Even though the company have improved the Misimans standard of living, improved health care and education, it still left loopholes. Those that could not work in the mine anymore had to go to other parts of the country to work with the experience they gained but this is not good socially.
The other company was Ulabo Timber Company, which was supposed to operate on a sustainable basis but so far very little has happened. The roads they built were for the logs to be taken out and when that was done they left with pockets full leaving the locals with very little. The company had plans of venturing into downstream processing of timber, and establishing a timber terminal in the area to service the province but that has not happened.
I have heard of a timber project in the town of Kumasi in Western Province run by a Malaysian company that is mistreating locals. According to Greenpeace, Rimbunan Hijau – a Malaysian company - continues to operate in secrecy regarding the true extent of their logging and other business interests. They have 60 interlinked companies that are registered in Papua New Guinea and these companies control 50% of Papua New Guinea’s large–scale commercial logging operations and at least 55% of log exports .
Such projects are good but there has to be good plans out lined for the later generations. We should not be blinded with get rich quick mentality. A lot of the village people do not understand most of the happenings outside of their villages and so when businesses come in looking to start businesses they agreed too quickly. A parcel of land in my area was directly acquired by a company for K25,000 to start up a business, which I know should have been leased through the Government; however, that old man is now penniless and is currently working for the same company as a cleaner.
I have travelled around a bit and have not come across land being sold for that amount. In most countries, land is sold in millions; only houses are sold in thousands. Land has great value. Another businessman was nagging my uncle to see if he could buy logs from his land, till I mentioned to him that a tree is worth US$193,250 . Furthermore, my father allowed some mining company to store their goods such as speed boat, generators etc in his land for K3 a day and he is paid every two months. It’s causing social problems as it attracts thieves, disputes etc. Also someone had sold/rented their land in Alotau and has asked my dad if they could do gardening in his land. However, my father’s tribe do subsistence gardening in this area so if this guy comes to do gardening it will create more problems.
This kind of business is not sustainable and fair; it is using people for one’s benefit. There are consequences on this kind of behaviour resulting in one party reacting to either the landowner or the developer being pushed out. Is this the kind of development we want or are there more sensible people out there? I as a Papua New Guinean accept that there has to be development, but could it not be done in a way that is sustainable and fair?
A Tibetan humanist has warned us in the most eloquent manner what we might be doing wrong in our incontrollable development frenzy:
When all trees would have been cut…
When all rivers and lakes would have dried up…
When all other species would have silenced their voices forever…
We would have come to realize that…
We can’t eat money.
We need visionary leaders who are able to say no to corruption and stand on their feet and govern the people of Papua New Guinea. The people of Papua New Guinea are intelligent and well educated. We have always stood together in unity; we can fight to bring our country to survive sustainably.
Greenpeace: The Untouchables
Professor T.M. Das of the University of Calcutta came up with a price tag for a tree, in an effort to satisfy sceptical economists about the value of letting a native forest live: the price was US$193,250. This amount was reached through the following bookkeeping for a tree living for 50 years:
Generates oxygen worth - US$ 31,250
Controls air pollution for - US$ 62,000
Reduces soil erosion and increases soil fertility for - US$ 31,250
Recycles water worth - US$ 37,500
Provides a home for animals worth - US$ 31,250
Total US$ 193,250
See: http://www.pecc.org/community/papers/ecotourism-china-2004/oswaldo-munoz.pdf
Wednesday, 26 August 2009
Monday, 24 August 2009
There was famine in Bethlehem so Elimelech and Naomi decided to leave for Moab. Elimelech and his sons died whilst in Moab. Elimelech’s decision to move his family to the country of Moab is not evidenced as being God’s direction but simply his own decision. This does not indicate that it was a divine judgement, but rather the natural result of exposure to circumstances outside the canopy of divine promise. God’s protection canopy is to those who remain obedient to Him in the land of His appointment.
Naomi’s husband died and both sons got married for 10 years and they both died. Naomi decided to return. Chapter 1 of verse 14, then they lifted their voices and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother in-law, but Ruth clung to her. Chapter 1 of 16&17,Ruth’s true commitment and friendship underscores the values of family commitment. Both values are important and we should reinforce it However, Ruth prioritise her daughter-servant role to her Naomi mother-in-law. Verse 18, when she saw that she was determined to go with her, she stopped speaking to her.
Ruth clung to Naomi because she had made a decision to go with her. Whatever in life we desire, we will get it if we hold on, but most of us give up too soon. The desires of our hearts must again line up with God’s word, eg: when we are sick we need to trust God and claim His word to be healed. “ By His stripes we are healed.”
3:3 Wash Yourself
She has been working hard gleaning, she was probably tired and smelly, and therefore she needed to wash. As Christians we need to take time o ensure we are clean. First we are washed when we repent of any sin, and allow the blood of Jesus Christ to make us clean. 1John 1:7 “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Verse 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But also day to day living in the world affect us, and we need to be washed clean. The Bible says that reading the word is like washing. Eph.5: 25&26 “Just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.”
3:3 Anoint Yourself
Ruth needed a new fragrance for a new season. Ruth had been in widowhood, but was now moving into a season of inheritance. Anointing yourself with a mixture of olive oil, mixed with perfumes, was a sign that the time of mourning was ended. Isaiah 61:3 speaks of the oil of joy, to replace the mourning, and death that we received during the time of wilderness and desolation.
3:3 Put on your best garment
The garment that Ruth wore to work in the fields was not appropriate, her widow garment was not appropriate, to ensure her future the grief and mourning had to be replaced. Isaiah 61:3 speaks about exchanging the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. We need to take off heaviness, hopelessness, despair, self-pity, and all those old clothes that are holding us back and restricting us. We need to get our best garment, a garment of praise, let’s breakthrough in the area of praise in our lives.
3:3 Go down to the threshing floor
That was the place that Boaz was. The threshing floor was the place where the wheat and chaff were separated, or winnowed, but that work was already completed. Here the threshing floor was the place of harvest, and the place of feasting. If we are prepared to humble ourselves and allow God to remove the chaff from our lives, (those things that are not part of His work in our lives at this time) then we can also share in the harvest. Just as Ruth went where Boaz was, we need to be where God is, and where He is working.
Wait for God's timing
Naomi told Ruth to wait until Boaz had finished feasting, (3:3) and stand back, and watch where he went, then she was to go and lay by his feet.(3:4) God has appointed times and seasons for our lives, we do not always understand why we have to wait for a certain prayer, or promise of God to come to pass in our lives, but we can always trust God that His timing is right, and we have to watch and see what He is doing in our situations.
At the feet of Jesus
Ruth lay at the feet of Boaz. (3:5) it is by submitting to God at the feet of Jesus that we shall learn from Him, and receive His best for our lives.
United with Jesus
Ruth asks Boaz to spread his garment over her Ruth 3:9 "Who are you?" he asked. "I am your servant Ruth," she said. "Spread the corner of your garment over me." (NIV) There was nothing immoral in Ruth's action, in Ruth's day she was saying to him. "I need a redeemer. I am a widow, disgraced, with no inheritance. You can take my shame, my poverty, and the bleakness of my future and give me an inheritance." John 14:23 "Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him." When we are united with Christ we can receive all the benefits of belonging to Him. He removes our shame, our poverty, and gives us hope, and the promise of eternal life. He spreads His garment over us. A garment of salvation, a robe of righteousness.
Jesus our Kinsman
Redeemer Boaz explained that there was a closer relative than he, (3:12&13) but when he approached him, although he was prepared to buy Naomi's field, which she had sold, he was not prepared to marry Ruth. Boaz however was willing to become their kinsman redeemer by buying the field and marrying Ruth. This is a wonderful picture of Jesus, at the cross, shedding His blood and dying, to redeem us from sin, death and the wrath of God. Jesus was willing to pay the price for us. By doing this He fulfilled all the requirements of the law, but He did not save us as a duty, nor because He had to, but because He loved us and wanted us to belong to Him, and to come into a personal relationship with Him. Jesus became our kinsman redeemer.
A new name
So Boaz marries Ruth, (4:13) and the desolation that Naomi and Ruth had endured is now complete, and their inheritance is restored. Isa 62:2-5 "The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory. You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD will name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you?" God wants to call us by a new name, Beulah - married, Hephzibah - restored to God's favour. Naomi begins to lose her bitterness, and begins to move into her restored name - pleasantness & my joy. Jesus is preparing the church to be His bride, without spot or wrinkle! Eph 5:25-27 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."
A new life
Ruth 4:13-17 "So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife; and when he went in to her, the LORD gave her conception, and she bore a son. Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel! And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him Then Naomi took the child and laid him on her bosom, and became a nurse to him. Also the neighbour women gave him a name, saying, "There is a son born to Naomi." And they called his name Obed." What a wonderful picture of the new thing God wants to begin in our lives. Naomi, the grandmother, had her inheritance completely restored, with her grandson, the child Obed, on her lap. The women of Bethlehem share in Naomi's joy. This was the ministry God had created her for! We need not be fearful that God will ask of us something that He is not able to accomplish through us, or that we shall not feel totally fulfilled in! So God will restore completely to us, those things that have been lost and in desolation, let's receive all He has for us!
An agent of restoration
The book of Ruth however does not end there. It goes on to list the genealogy of Obed, (4:17-22) and we soon realise that he became the grandfather of Israel's greatest king, David, but not only that, the line continued, and he also became a descendant of Jesus, born of David's line, in the same city of Bethlehem. Through Jesus we too can receive that same restoration in our own lives. So we see how by walking in step with God, Naomi was not only able to receive personal blessing, but also become an agent of restoration for the whole world.
The road that goes through the wilderness, and the river that flows through the desert (Isaiah 43:18&19) is Jesus. So we are not blessed and restored as an end in itself, but just as the river brings life wherever it flows, Jesus wants us to take that life, that abundant life, His blessings, His restoration and affect our families, our communities, and our churches. James Robison says, "God multiplies when He restores. And so in His restoration work today, God is not simply restoring the church to the glory it displayed in New Testament times. He is seeking to restore it to a state more powerful, majestic and glorious than anything the world has yet seen."
We have seen how Naomi was not content with a life of gleaning, she knew that she was not walking in the fullness that God had for her, and so she drew up a strategy. We can learn then, we need to be washed, and allow Jesus to cleanse us from our sin. We need the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, a new fragrance for a new season! And we need to put on our garments of praise. We need to humble ourselves, and await God's timing. Then at the feet of Jesus we can become united with Him, and He will become our kinsman redeemer, He will give us a new name, and a new life, His restoration life, so that we can go, and live the lives that He intended, unhindered by the past, and with all the benefits of our inheritance with Jesus. We can then go on to become fruitful agents of restoration ourselves.
Isa 43:18-19 "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
There was famine in Bethlehem so Elimelech and Naomi decided to leave for Moab. Elimelech and his sons died whilst in Moab. Elimelech’s decision to move his family to the country of Moab is not evidenced as being God’s direction but simply his own decision. This does not indicate that it was a divine judgement, but rather the natural result of exposure to circumstances outside the canopy of divine promise. God’s protection canopy is to those who remain obedient to Him in the land of His appointment.
Naomi’s husband died and both sons got married for 10 years and they both died. Naomi decided to return. Chapter 1 of verse 14, then they lifted their voices and wept again; and Orpah kissed her mother in-law, but Ruth clung to her. Chapter 1 of 16&17,Ruth’s true commitment and friendship underscores the values of family commitment. Both values are important and we should reinforce it However, Ruth prioritise her daughter-servant role to her Naomi mother-in-law. Verse 18, when she saw that she was determined to go with her, she stopped speaking to her.
Ruth clung to Naomi because she had made a decision to go with her. Whatever in life we desire, we will get it if we hold on, but most of us give up too soon. The desires of our hearts must again line up with God’s word, eg: when we are sick we need to trust God and claim His word to be healed. “ By His stripes we are healed.”
3:3 Wash Yourself
She has been working hard gleaning, she was probably tired and smelly, and therefore she needed to wash. As Christians we need to take time o ensure we are clean. First we are washed when we repent of any sin, and allow the blood of Jesus Christ to make us clean. 1John 1:7 “The blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin.” Verse 9 If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. But also day to day living in the world affect us, and we need to be washed clean. The Bible says that reading the word is like washing. Eph.5: 25&26 “Just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her to make her holy, cleansing her by the washing with water through the word.”
3:3 Anoint Yourself
Ruth needed a new fragrance for a new season. Ruth had been in widowhood, but was now moving into a season of inheritance. Anointing yourself with a mixture of olive oil, mixed with perfumes, was a sign that the time of mourning was ended. Isaiah 61:3 speaks of the oil of joy, to replace the mourning, and death that we received during the time of wilderness and desolation.
3:3 Put on your best garment
The garment that Ruth wore to work in the fields was not appropriate, her widow garment was not appropriate, to ensure her future the grief and mourning had to be replaced. Isaiah 61:3 speaks about exchanging the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness. We need to take off heaviness, hopelessness, despair, self-pity, and all those old clothes that are holding us back and restricting us. We need to get our best garment, a garment of praise, let’s breakthrough in the area of praise in our lives.
3:3 Go down to the threshing floor
That was the place that Boaz was. The threshing floor was the place where the wheat and chaff were separated, or winnowed, but that work was already completed. Here the threshing floor was the place of harvest, and the place of feasting. If we are prepared to humble ourselves and allow God to remove the chaff from our lives, (those things that are not part of His work in our lives at this time) then we can also share in the harvest. Just as Ruth went where Boaz was, we need to be where God is, and where He is working.
Wait for God's timing
Naomi told Ruth to wait until Boaz had finished feasting, (3:3) and stand back, and watch where he went, then she was to go and lay by his feet.(3:4) God has appointed times and seasons for our lives, we do not always understand why we have to wait for a certain prayer, or promise of God to come to pass in our lives, but we can always trust God that His timing is right, and we have to watch and see what He is doing in our situations.
At the feet of Jesus
Ruth lay at the feet of Boaz. (3:5) it is by submitting to God at the feet of Jesus that we shall learn from Him, and receive His best for our lives.
United with Jesus
Ruth asks Boaz to spread his garment over her Ruth 3:9 "Who are you?" he asked. "I am your servant Ruth," she said. "Spread the corner of your garment over me." (NIV) There was nothing immoral in Ruth's action, in Ruth's day she was saying to him. "I need a redeemer. I am a widow, disgraced, with no inheritance. You can take my shame, my poverty, and the bleakness of my future and give me an inheritance." John 14:23 "Jesus answered and said to him, "If anyone loves Me, he will keep My word; and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him." When we are united with Christ we can receive all the benefits of belonging to Him. He removes our shame, our poverty, and gives us hope, and the promise of eternal life. He spreads His garment over us. A garment of salvation, a robe of righteousness.
Jesus our Kinsman
Redeemer Boaz explained that there was a closer relative than he, (3:12&13) but when he approached him, although he was prepared to buy Naomi's field, which she had sold, he was not prepared to marry Ruth. Boaz however was willing to become their kinsman redeemer by buying the field and marrying Ruth. This is a wonderful picture of Jesus, at the cross, shedding His blood and dying, to redeem us from sin, death and the wrath of God. Jesus was willing to pay the price for us. By doing this He fulfilled all the requirements of the law, but He did not save us as a duty, nor because He had to, but because He loved us and wanted us to belong to Him, and to come into a personal relationship with Him. Jesus became our kinsman redeemer.
A new name
So Boaz marries Ruth, (4:13) and the desolation that Naomi and Ruth had endured is now complete, and their inheritance is restored. Isa 62:2-5 "The Gentiles shall see your righteousness, and all kings your glory. You shall be called by a new name, which the mouth of the LORD will name. You shall also be a crown of glory in the hand of the LORD, and a royal diadem in the hand of your God. You shall no longer be termed Forsaken, nor shall your land any more be termed Desolate; but you shall be called Hephzibah, and your land Beulah; for the LORD delights in you, and your land shall be married. For as a young man marries a virgin, so shall your sons marry you; and as the bridegroom rejoices over the bride, so shall your God rejoice over you?" God wants to call us by a new name, Beulah - married, Hephzibah - restored to God's favour. Naomi begins to lose her bitterness, and begins to move into her restored name - pleasantness & my joy. Jesus is preparing the church to be His bride, without spot or wrinkle! Eph 5:25-27 "Husbands, love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it; That he might sanctify and cleanse it with the washing of water by the word, That he might present it to himself a glorious church, not having spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing; but that it should be holy and without blemish."
A new life
Ruth 4:13-17 "So Boaz took Ruth and she became his wife; and when he went in to her, the LORD gave her conception, and she bore a son. Then the women said to Naomi, "Blessed be the LORD, who has not left you this day without a close relative; and may his name be famous in Israel! And may he be to you a restorer of life and a nourisher of your old age; for your daughter-in-law, who loves you, who is better to you than seven sons, has borne him Then Naomi took the child and laid him on her bosom, and became a nurse to him. Also the neighbour women gave him a name, saying, "There is a son born to Naomi." And they called his name Obed." What a wonderful picture of the new thing God wants to begin in our lives. Naomi, the grandmother, had her inheritance completely restored, with her grandson, the child Obed, on her lap. The women of Bethlehem share in Naomi's joy. This was the ministry God had created her for! We need not be fearful that God will ask of us something that He is not able to accomplish through us, or that we shall not feel totally fulfilled in! So God will restore completely to us, those things that have been lost and in desolation, let's receive all He has for us!
An agent of restoration
The book of Ruth however does not end there. It goes on to list the genealogy of Obed, (4:17-22) and we soon realise that he became the grandfather of Israel's greatest king, David, but not only that, the line continued, and he also became a descendant of Jesus, born of David's line, in the same city of Bethlehem. Through Jesus we too can receive that same restoration in our own lives. So we see how by walking in step with God, Naomi was not only able to receive personal blessing, but also become an agent of restoration for the whole world.
The road that goes through the wilderness, and the river that flows through the desert (Isaiah 43:18&19) is Jesus. So we are not blessed and restored as an end in itself, but just as the river brings life wherever it flows, Jesus wants us to take that life, that abundant life, His blessings, His restoration and affect our families, our communities, and our churches. James Robison says, "God multiplies when He restores. And so in His restoration work today, God is not simply restoring the church to the glory it displayed in New Testament times. He is seeking to restore it to a state more powerful, majestic and glorious than anything the world has yet seen."
We have seen how Naomi was not content with a life of gleaning, she knew that she was not walking in the fullness that God had for her, and so she drew up a strategy. We can learn then, we need to be washed, and allow Jesus to cleanse us from our sin. We need the anointing power of the Holy Spirit, a new fragrance for a new season! And we need to put on our garments of praise. We need to humble ourselves, and await God's timing. Then at the feet of Jesus we can become united with Him, and He will become our kinsman redeemer, He will give us a new name, and a new life, His restoration life, so that we can go, and live the lives that He intended, unhindered by the past, and with all the benefits of our inheritance with Jesus. We can then go on to become fruitful agents of restoration ourselves.
Isa 43:18-19 "Do not remember the former things, nor consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a new thing, now it shall spring forth; shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness and rivers in the desert."
Tuesday, 18 August 2009
The names of the Bible are absolutely fascinating! They quite often contain hidden nuggets of valuable truth that make the Bible even more fun to read and study. Such is the case with the name: “Methuselah.”
Most people are generally familiar with “Methuselah”. He was the son of Enoch (the righteous preacher). He was the grandfather of Noah (of Noah’s Flood). He was also the man with the longest life-span in the Bible (969-years). But… what most people don’t know about “Methuselah” is the special meaning behind his name. This Hebrew name actually carries behind it a Divine prophecy concerning the actual flood of Noah. How so? Let’s investigate!
The most common meaning for the name “Methuselah” (meth-oo-sheh’-lach) is “Man of a Dart”
This word (or name) is broken down into two separate parts (in the Hebrew language):
# 1 - “Meth” or “Math” = “Man (an adult)”
# 2 – “Shelach” = “A Missile (for attack)”
(Special note: The Hebrew noun “Shelach” can denote a missile, a dart, a spear, a javelin, a sword, or a branch. It is derived from the Hebrew root verb “Shalach” meaning “to send out” or “to send away”…
Notice the similarity with the Greek word “Apostle” (one sent forth)!)
So what we have here is an illustrative picture of a man (presumably a warrior) holding a spear in his hand. And what does a warrior do with a spear? He throws (“sends out”) the spear towards his enemy! The spear is SENT forth!
Thus... the name “Methuselah” can denote two separate meanings:
# 1 – A Man Holding a Spear! “On the Attack”… OR
# 2 – A Man on Mission! “One Sent Forth”… “Like a Spear”….
Now here’s where things get very interesting! There is a third (more concrete) meaning for “Methuselah” hidden even deeper (like a long lost treasure) within the Hebrew language. We’re talking about the actual core meaning behind the name! The more concrete meaning behind the name “Methuselah” is: “When he is dead it shall be sent.”
So what we have here is a Divine prophecy concerning actual flood of Noah, and it seems to be hidden within this man’s name. How do I know for certain that this statement is true? The flood of Noah took place the very same year of Methuselah’s death.
True fact! This is no mere coincidence!
The sinful world (at the time) was virtually safe from God’s impending judgment as long as Methuselah breathed air in a flesh body. However, once this man died, things drastically changed for the rebellious people on the earth. How so?
Upon Methuselah’s death, God’s plan was to send forth (like a spear) the flood of Noah upon an unrepentant sinful world (God’s enemy). So what we have here is a perfect illustrative type (or example) of the Lord’s battle against sin and rebellion. And this illustrative type (and prophecy) is perfectly contained within the Hebrew name “Methuselah”:
•Methuselah = “When he is dead it (the flood) shall be sent”
Let me say one more thing about “Methuselah!” I find it interesting to think about “Methuselah” as the man with the longest life-span in the Bible (969-years). Now that we know the precise core meaning behind his name, it becomes easier to see the grace of God at work during this very dark period of earth’s history (the pre-flood era).
Think about it! The very fact that this man holds the all-time record for the longest life-span on earth (969-years) is a testimony (in ones opinion) to the enduring patience & longsuffering of God towards mankind.
Like the scripture says:
2 Peter 3:9 – “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise (regarding Christ’s Return), as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering (extremely patient) to us-ward (mankind), not willing (it’s not His will) that any should perish (go to hell), but that all (everyone) should come to repentance.”
The Lord used the extremely long (record-breaking) life-span of “Methuselah” as a grace period (so to speak) to allow mankind a unique opportunity to repent for their sins before the coming Day of Judgment (Noah’s flood).
And guess what?
The Lord is doing the exact same thing for us today before the coming Day of Judgment (Christ’s Return).
So I would like to encourage anyone who reads this message to accept God’s gracious gift of salvation today before time runs out. Another flood is coming… not of water... but of fire! And just like the people of Noah’s time, you don’t want to be caught outside God’s designated Ark of Salvation when the flood hits. What is God’s Ark of Salvation?
God’s designated Ark of Salvation for mankind is none other than Jesus Christ! So please come into the “Ark of Salvation” today, and find the only true “Rest” you’re ever going to find in this world.
(Special Note: It just so happens that the Hebrew name “Noah” means “Rest”….)
Most people are generally familiar with “Methuselah”. He was the son of Enoch (the righteous preacher). He was the grandfather of Noah (of Noah’s Flood). He was also the man with the longest life-span in the Bible (969-years). But… what most people don’t know about “Methuselah” is the special meaning behind his name. This Hebrew name actually carries behind it a Divine prophecy concerning the actual flood of Noah. How so? Let’s investigate!
The most common meaning for the name “Methuselah” (meth-oo-sheh’-lach) is “Man of a Dart”
This word (or name) is broken down into two separate parts (in the Hebrew language):
# 1 - “Meth” or “Math” = “Man (an adult)”
# 2 – “Shelach” = “A Missile (for attack)”
(Special note: The Hebrew noun “Shelach” can denote a missile, a dart, a spear, a javelin, a sword, or a branch. It is derived from the Hebrew root verb “Shalach” meaning “to send out” or “to send away”…
Notice the similarity with the Greek word “Apostle” (one sent forth)!)
So what we have here is an illustrative picture of a man (presumably a warrior) holding a spear in his hand. And what does a warrior do with a spear? He throws (“sends out”) the spear towards his enemy! The spear is SENT forth!
Thus... the name “Methuselah” can denote two separate meanings:
# 1 – A Man Holding a Spear! “On the Attack”… OR
# 2 – A Man on Mission! “One Sent Forth”… “Like a Spear”….
Now here’s where things get very interesting! There is a third (more concrete) meaning for “Methuselah” hidden even deeper (like a long lost treasure) within the Hebrew language. We’re talking about the actual core meaning behind the name! The more concrete meaning behind the name “Methuselah” is: “When he is dead it shall be sent.”
So what we have here is a Divine prophecy concerning actual flood of Noah, and it seems to be hidden within this man’s name. How do I know for certain that this statement is true? The flood of Noah took place the very same year of Methuselah’s death.
True fact! This is no mere coincidence!
The sinful world (at the time) was virtually safe from God’s impending judgment as long as Methuselah breathed air in a flesh body. However, once this man died, things drastically changed for the rebellious people on the earth. How so?
Upon Methuselah’s death, God’s plan was to send forth (like a spear) the flood of Noah upon an unrepentant sinful world (God’s enemy). So what we have here is a perfect illustrative type (or example) of the Lord’s battle against sin and rebellion. And this illustrative type (and prophecy) is perfectly contained within the Hebrew name “Methuselah”:
•Methuselah = “When he is dead it (the flood) shall be sent”
Let me say one more thing about “Methuselah!” I find it interesting to think about “Methuselah” as the man with the longest life-span in the Bible (969-years). Now that we know the precise core meaning behind his name, it becomes easier to see the grace of God at work during this very dark period of earth’s history (the pre-flood era).
Think about it! The very fact that this man holds the all-time record for the longest life-span on earth (969-years) is a testimony (in ones opinion) to the enduring patience & longsuffering of God towards mankind.
Like the scripture says:
2 Peter 3:9 – “The Lord is not slack concerning His promise (regarding Christ’s Return), as some men count slackness; but is longsuffering (extremely patient) to us-ward (mankind), not willing (it’s not His will) that any should perish (go to hell), but that all (everyone) should come to repentance.”
The Lord used the extremely long (record-breaking) life-span of “Methuselah” as a grace period (so to speak) to allow mankind a unique opportunity to repent for their sins before the coming Day of Judgment (Noah’s flood).
And guess what?
The Lord is doing the exact same thing for us today before the coming Day of Judgment (Christ’s Return).
So I would like to encourage anyone who reads this message to accept God’s gracious gift of salvation today before time runs out. Another flood is coming… not of water... but of fire! And just like the people of Noah’s time, you don’t want to be caught outside God’s designated Ark of Salvation when the flood hits. What is God’s Ark of Salvation?
God’s designated Ark of Salvation for mankind is none other than Jesus Christ! So please come into the “Ark of Salvation” today, and find the only true “Rest” you’re ever going to find in this world.
(Special Note: It just so happens that the Hebrew name “Noah” means “Rest”….)
Monday, 17 August 2009
Saturday, 15 August 2009
Wednesday, 12 August 2009
Wednesday, 5 August 2009
Oxford - UK

The Sheldonian Theatre, built between 1664 and 1668, was Christopher Wren's first design and one of Oxford's most architecturally important buildings. It isn't actually a theatre at all. Its original purpose was as a secular venue for University ceremonies, such as graduations and matriculations. It is still used for that purpose but is also used for concerts of serious music.
The façade of the Sheldonian that faces Broad Street and fascinates most visitors is actually the back of the building. It was designed to face a courtyard with more important University buildings including the Bodleian Library and the chapel of Exeter College. The twelve grotesque stone heads on pillars (see insets above) are sometimes identified as the Twelve Caesars or the Twelve Apostles, but they are simply decorative. They were replaced in the 1970s after pollution destroyed the originals. When not in use for University functions, or concerts, the Sheldonian is open to the public Monday to Saturday from 10a.m. to 12:30p.m. and 2p.m. to 4:30p.m. (3:30p.m. closing, November to February). Admission is £2 (£1 for seniors).
Also, Inspector Morse- a British televison series was filmed here. I also met Sir Mekere Morauta - former Prime Minister of Papua New Guinea here. He and his wife were very kind to me. They recognised my PNG features and so came up and spoke to me. I was over the moon because I was kissed. British Prime Minister would never kiss or say hi to a grassroot woman. I think most Papua New Guineans are very friendly and are very kind - (but... I think).
Tuesday, 4 August 2009
Proverbs 19:21 There are many plans in a man's heart, nevertheless the Lord's counsel - that will stand. We are all created to live life with meaning. This is the reason why we are never satisfield with where we are. Rom.8:28 -29 And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For whom He forknew, He also predestined... Therefore I can say the following: purpose is more important than plans, purpose is more powerful than plans and purpose precedes plans. In order to produce purpose we will under go pressure and persecution. God has predestined our lives because He is the manufacturer or creator. Pre is a prefix and destined is the end of a thing, so God has already seen our finish lives. To cut the story short - Your destiny pulls you to it, destiny is the source of your frustration, destiny makes you uncomfortable and frustrated, your dreams, passions, and desires are manifestations of your destiny. Plans change but purpose and destiny stands because it is of God, for example like Joseph in the Bible who was sold as aslave to the Egyptians, then was accused of a crime he never committed and was put in prison (Genesis 39-40). We may be faced with a fact - (a description of the present state of a thing) but the truth - (original information) still stands.
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