The king’s heart is like a stream of water directed by the LORD;
He guides it wherever he pleases. Proverbs 21:1
I asked the Lord to elaborate on what He meant about being King. He reminded me of King David in the Bible. He was anointed as a King at a young age. This position did not come about till later years.
Being a King means that all doors in life are open by the Lord. If you study the life of King David, you will see that he moved positions/jobs at the right time. God enlarged his territory.
There are kings of nations. Many prime ministers and presidents in the nations of the world are actually standing in the office of a king. These political kings hold the positions and power to lead influence and shape the economy, development, and course of entire nations. In a broader sense kings are usually the people at the top---the best the champions, the leaders in their respective fields.
The kingly anointing is an anointing for ruling and reigning. It is an anointing for dominion and for government. It is also an anointing for prevailing. It has strength and might to push back the forces of darkness and take new ground.
Not many can handle such an anointing or hold on securely to the kingly office. King Saul couldn’t. He attained, but could not maintain the position because he did not have the character to contain it. Sadly, many in ministry fall not long after receiving this powerful and authoritative anointing. Therefore God in His wisdom and love will not bestow this kingly anointing on just anyone, nor will He simply bequeath it to the unprepared. The preparations for the ministry of kings are usually extensive and intensive. And it usually involves seasons of breaking and times of brokenness. That’s the main reason why God allowed David to dwell in the caves and wilderness for a rather lengthy season before He elevated David to the palace.
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