Genesis 37:1-36, Genesis 39:1- 41: 1-57
Many times when we have a vision we want to complete it quickly or get to it hurriedly because it gives us satisfaction. Sometimes when we arrive in our destination too quickly we end up frustrated and not satisfied. Instead of being fulfilled we get into a lot of problems regarding our mission/vision.
Joseph was a very handsome young man in the Bible who had a dream when he was very young that one day he would be a ruler. Did he get there easily? No.
In Proverbs 16:9 says, “In his heart a man plans his course, but the Lord determines his steps.” God didn’t say He would direct our jumps, but rather our steps. Every day we may encounter a situation, problem, trial or tribulation that may build a character in us that moves us towards our dream.
One of the problems PNG faces today it due to irresponsible leaders who have no sense of being a good leader. Most leaders are not ready to lead when they are given leadership roles. They don’t have the ability to handle the big things that they’re dreaming about. This is because they don’t have the experience or character for them.
Sometimes we have to travel the longer route to develop our character and produce responsibility in us. If God was to tell us of our next move we may give up the dream so He can only show and lead us as long as we are willing to let him lead.
So what is the story with Joseph that should make us learn from? When he was 17 years old, he had a dream from God in which his father, mother, and brothers were kneeling down before him. In his mind, he was Prime Minister. God gave him a vision, yet He didn’t tell him how he was going to get there. Suppose God had said, “Joseph, you’re going to become a great ruler, and here is what I planned to get you there. First, your brothers are going to tear your favourite coat off. Second, they are going to throw you in the pit. Third, they are going to sell you as a slave. Fourth, your master’s wife is going to lie about you, accusing you of rape. Fifth, your master is going to have you in jail, where you will be forgotten for a long time. When all of this is done then, you will be elevated to become the Prime Minister of Egypt. If God had said all of these, Joseph would have replied and told God that he would rather remain as a shepherd boy.
But God did not tell him these; He just showed him every step of the way tribulations that produce character and responsibility in him. We were not born with these things, they are learnt. Joseph may found himself wondering where God is in his ordeal in the pit. God’s reply to Joseph may be something like this: “I’m with you in the pit, and I’m working on your character because you can’t rule well without it.”
God’s ways of getting us where we need to go are often different from what we expect, but there is always a good reason for them.
If our dreams take longer to be fulfilled, that is still alright. By the time we get to our destination we will be ready and we will break people’s wrong perception of us.
10 months ago