1 Samuel 1: 1-18
In those days Israel had no king or prophet, so the people did whatever seemed right in their own eyes. If you read the Book of Judges, you can see some of the things they did were very wicked. Also, it seemed that in the House of God there was sin, and men of God/priests were not hearing well too, which you can see in the life of Eli and his sons. God was looking for someone to bring forth His plans, in that he wanted to replace the offices of judge with prophets and kings. As you know, Moses and Deborah were both political leaders over Israel and prophets.
It was customary, though not authorized by God, for a man to take a second wife when his first wife was barren. A woman in OT times who could not bear any children was viewed as cursed by God. For Hannah, this time of infertility would end when God gave her a child. On the other hand, Peninnah had children and so she continued to provoke Hannah, causing inner turmoil and pain. This went on year after year. Since what we say is the result of what’s within us, I wonder what their hearts were like? What happens when one is presented with a situation like this?
Elkanah – God has obtained
El –Elohim, the Almighty God
Kanah (qanah) –i.e. create, by extension especially by purchase, provoke to jealousy, possess, recover, redeem.
According to the Word of God in Isaiah 54:5, it says ‘For your Marker is your husband; The Lord of hosts is His Name; and your Redeemer is the Holy One of Israel’.
Furthermore, the Bible says that Jesus is the bridegroom and the church is the bride.* Matt.25:6 At midnight a cry was heard: behold, the bridegroom is coming, go out to meet him!’
These two wives represent believers in the churches today. Year after year they would travel to Shiloh to worship and give sacrifice to the Lord. On the day of sacrifice Elkanah would give portions to Peninnah and her children. But he would give special (worthy/double) portion to Hannah because he loved her very much.
Who is Peninnah? - a pearl and Israelite
She is the bride that does not want change, cannot accept correction, is proud, arrogant. She goes to church thinking her praise is good enough and so God blesses her more. She is religious, legalistic, judges other people and is critical, quick to see wrong in others more than herself. God blesses us to bless others, spiritual, physically and to serve the Lord.
Please don’t get me wrong here. Success is good when we use our success to glorify God. On the other hand, success can stop us from moving into what God wants us to be, like Peninnah being content with her blessing, she does not want to push on. She is in the church long enough, she gets bored with the pastor/leaders and every member. She dresses on the outside so well, and can praise and dance, but can not give up dying to self. At the same time her heart has hardened and is not willing to change or allow God – her bridegroom - to change her. She then moves from church to church, job to job, partner to partner. But trying to solve how you feel by these actions does not do anything for you, it is your heart and attitude that needs to move or change.
When Elakanah, her redeemer, gave her her portion, he was fair. I can’t see any bias in this, as there are times when the Lord gives us what we are able to handle. Peninnah was blessed but she was spiritually poor as her heart condition needed to change.
What is it that needs to be change in your life? Eli, the man of God, misreading Hannah reveals the sorry state of worship that had degenerated under him and his wicked sons. It was unfortunate that the people Peninnah associated with had influenced her. Make sure the people you hang out with are people that will bring the best out of you.
Will complete this later... God Bless
10 months ago
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