Saturday 17 October 2009

Never give up on your dream!


Joseph was a dreamer; his life teaches us the following lessons.
1) Do not give up on your dream, though you did not start well. At 17 Joseph dreamed that one day his family would bow down to him. But he made the mistake of sharing that information with them. And it got him into a lot of trouble. But it did not stop him. The beginning of a dream often generates more enthusiasm than wisdom. We say and do things we should not. But Joseph encourages us to recapture the dream we abandoned.
2) Do not give up on your dream, though others do not support it. Joseph's brothers said, 'Look, this dreamer is coming . . . let us now kill him.' It is hard to keep your dream alive when others are trying to kill it. But when your dream comes from God; it holds you, even when you are unable to hold it!
3) Do not give up on your dream, though your journey is full of surprises. Your dream will invite attack; do not let that discourage you! Attack is a sign of respect. It means you have not been defeated. Five times we read: 'The Lord was with Joseph.' And He is with you too!
4) Do not give up on your dream, though it takes a lifetime to fulfil. Twenty-three years passed before Joseph's dream was fulfilled, but in the end he ruled his family, was reconciled with his brothers, and saved the nation. You never know what God's timetable will look like. The important thing to remember is - never give up on your dream!

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