1 Thessalonians 5:9 -10
For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.
There are lots of disasters that happen in the world today and many people say that God’s wrath and judgement has come upon that place or person. Many people blame God, but that is not the truth because God would just destroy the world without your permission at any time. He is God Almighty by Himself and He can do whatever He wishes to do. But the God I know is a loving God and Saviour.
There is a story in the Bible about Sodom and Gomorrah where reading it may make you think it was God’s wrath and judgement on the people. But when you pause and think you will realise that God was seeking a righteousness man. This is true because if God was seeking to destroy sinners, He would not allow anyone to stop Him. But when you read the story in Genesis 18:16-33, God let Abraham in on what He was about to do and even allowed Abraham to plead with Him.
Abrahams pleads were heard and God rescued Lot and his daughters before He destroyed the place. This indicates to me that when there is a righteousness man God will spare lives and protect the place. Abraham’s pleads in prayer to God starting from 50 righteous people to 10 people. God’s reply was, “If I find in Sodom fifty righteous within the city, then I will spare the entire place for their sakes.” Abraham stopped at 10. What if he had gone down to just one righteous person, maybe God would have replied the same. A lot of people feel unworthy when they hear the word righteous but all it means is simply, believing in Jesus. No men are perfect including Christians. It is only be the grace of God that we are who we are. (Grace means unmerited favour from God)
Today God has judged our sin on the body of His Son Jesus Christ. At the cross He exhausted all of God’s fiery judgements until there was no more wrath left for us. That is why he cried out saying, “it is finished.” If you are one of those people that feel you are not worthy to draw near to God, I would encourage you to look at the cross and see the finished work Jesus has done. Sin was punished once and for all. Wherever you are tell God, He will hear you and answer your prayer like Abraham. Believe that Jesus is the way truth and life. No sin is too big for God that He will not forgive. He loves you!
Friends, God is not out to judge you but to bless you, not because you deserve it, but because Jesus was judged and punished in your place.
10 months ago
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